Grand Island Mansion wedding ceremony photo of an overall view of the great front lawn and mansion during a couples vows with all their guest watching on. Most wedding ceremonies take place on the front lawn of the mansion. There are two locations, one on the far right side and one on the far left side of the estate’s front lawn. The right side of the lawn ceremony area is a nice shaded garden area, which is a perfect location for those hot summer days. On the left side of the lawn is a raised like amphitheater area surround by huge greek style white stand alone columns where ceremonies can take place at. This area is out in the sun, so is suited better during the fall or spring months or even morning weddings. If the weather doesn’t cooperate on your big day the wedding ceremony can be held indoor or in the back wedding reception tent.
Here’s a list of unique services that they offer for events.
If you are interested in having Doug Miranda photograph your wedding day please fill out the contract form on this website. You can also email me directly at or give me a call at 916-422-2256. I look forward to hearing from you.
Location: 13415 Grand Island Rd, Walnut Grove, CA 95690.
Keywords: Grand Island Mansion Wedding (71).